Why "The Lonely Game Dev"?

You might be wondering about the name. Well, it's a reflection of my solitary quest into game development. Working alone has its challenges, but it also grants me the creative freedom to fully explore the boundaries of entertainment.

Chiral - A Journey Into the Unknown

Chiral is more than just a game; it's an exploration of comedy, horror, and spatial puzzles, all woven together in a narrative like no other. I can't wait for you to explore the eerie corridors of an absurdly corporate world, where Existential horror meets bureaucratic chaos.

A Puzzler's Delight

One of the core aspects of Chiral is its mind-bending spatial puzzles. From mirrors that twist the very fabric of reality to lasers that trigger unexpected consequences, I'm crafting intricate challenges that will keep you scratching your head and laughing in equal measure.

The Cosmic Comedic Horrors

While the puzzles are the heart of Chiral, its soul lies in the comedic and unsettling narrative. Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster as you delve into the minds of a disembodied brain and its digital AI companion. 

Buckle Up for Launch

Chiral is getting closer to completion, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare to journey into the unknown, for Chiral's release is just a few months away! 

Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I look forward to sharing more soon!